jeudi, juillet 27, 2006

nas zebala ya ragel

el denya ma3kooka fy kol an7a2 el watan el 3araby we7na benetkalem fy khawater nafseya....allah yekhrebet el dma3' el madrrooba...fo2o ya 3alam abl mal toofan yeegy...bab el gehad etfata7 wala lessa; shaklo msh hayetfete7 khales.

mardi, juillet 25, 2006


They that have powre to hurt, and will doe none,
That doe not do the things, they most doe showe,
Who moving others, are themselves as stone,
Unmooved, could, and to temptation slow;

They rightly do inherit heavens graces,
And husband natures ritches from expence,
They are the lords and owners of their faces,
Others, but stewards of their excellence;

The sommers flowre is to the sommer sweet,
Though to it selfe, it onely live and die ,
But if that flowre with base infection meete,
The basest weed out-braves his dignity;

For sweetest things turne sowrest by their deedes,
Lillies that fester, smell far worse than weeds.

William Shakespeare

lundi, juillet 10, 2006

هى الأقدار

هى الدنيا هى الأيام تقتلنا و تحيينا
هى الأقدار قد رسمت تعذبنا وتشقينا
و تلقينا الي الأمواج أمواجا و تلقينا
و أنت و كلنا بشر فهل تمتد أيدينا